Produced for Kohl Journal’s upcoming issue, Queer Futures
Sarah Al-Sarraj is a British-Iraqi visual artist and cultural worker. Her work takes the form of a dedicated worldbuilding practice, where painting, comics, and Game Engines are understood as portals to other worlds. Predicated on the belief that the world we inhabit was built in service of imperial violence, her practice seeks to build new ordering systems rooted in land, spirit, and ancestry. She is currently working with the Arab British Centre and the Mechatronic Library and is developing her immersive practice via a grant from Arts Council England.
For the past 8 years she has worked in social justice honing an analysis that sees our struggles as context specific and deeply interconnected, most notably at Healing Justice London where she worked on building liberatory community-led public health, at Forensic Architecture, within Palestinian political advocacy and supporting young asylum seekers. She is currently a Trustee at the Inclusive Mosque Initiative, an intersectional feminist abolitionist mosque.